On Monday, I was continuing painting my model with the poly-painting method. The poly-painting of the robot is completed. While I was looking over my model as it was near completion I noticed it needed something to weight it down and give the model more balance. I added a base to my model. The model is more like a character diorama piece. Nothing to out there but something that feels natural. The diorama so far has some added features such as some foliage, rocks and earth (Sand/Muddy terrain). I also posed the model to suit the base. With the pose I didn't want to do anything to drastic, I wanted to show the character interacting with it's own UI menu, just like a character would in a game. Before posing the model I drew some quick rough sketches. At first I just wanted the arms to be slightly posed but I noticed once I did that it was top heavy and the model still did not feel complete.
These were some early pose sketches of my first idea, with the interaction of my character with its UI. I wanted to add UI such as this as I wanted the piece to feel like it was more of a in game piece.
Basic base, start point.
This image shows my character fully poly-painted and ready to pose. I added dents into the model for damage effects to increase the details. I also added the war paint on the characters face around the eyes and the robots name T.A.N.G.O across its chest area. I added this as I wanted to give the character more personality and it represents the character is part of a clan, this shows with the war paint across the face and the painted hand print on the characters back.
The hand print on the back and transparent plastic material effect. The panel hides the characters main working components. I decided to use a thick discoloured plastic material in this area, Because I wanted to give the impression that the robot has been attacked here in the past and the clan that the robot is apart of has fixed him up. The plastic was a piece of scrap that a member of the clan found and easy for them to take on and off it needed if T.A.N.G.O. needs fixing.
Starting to pose the character. Using the method of masking an area and then using the tranpose tools, carefully to not deform the model to much. I also noticed I wanted the leg a little higher to give the character more balance.
The leg is higher here. Also I gave the hips a little a bit of a twist to help with the balance.
The base and rock so far, the foot resting on the rock.
Here is the base with added foliage and some added texture to the base using the clay build up brush.
My model rendered to show the foliage effect.
On Tuesday, I did not do any work due to a hospital appointment. I have been having a few hospital appointments in the last few months (since starting year 3). It has now been confirmed I will need to have surgery. I spoke to my tutor about this before the Easter term and spoke about my situation and the thought of going in for a extension. I personally do not think I need one as feel I have kept up with my work as much as possible, I always try my best to keep up. There have been times where I could of probably pushed myself a little harder but I have always had the worry of my current situation. I also have to consider my health. I have the option to have the surgery very soon or to wait till after hand in. I have decided to have my surgery after hand in.
On Wednesday, I went into university. I was pleased as I got to show one of my tutors my model and they gave me some tips for the base. They said the base had a beef burger look to it, when I looked back at my base I had to agree! I changed it straight away, I added a different image texture and added more uneven areas to the terrain. Also they suggested that I added a little bit more foliage in areas. I soon added these details and it looks so much better. I am very happy with my model.
On Thursday, I went in to university again. Most of the day I was getting some render shots of my model ready for the next stage that is the UI process. I aim to add my own UI design (hologram) to one or two of my rendered images. I also produced a turntable of my character.
The two images above will most likely be the images I will use to place the UI on top.
I also had ago at creating some practice UI for my model.
This was a brought in image of some sci-fi UI from Google. I bought it in by creating it into a smart object first. By making the image into a smart object it keeps it's resolution and details while editing the image such as scaling. I will use this method in my final design.I was also playing around with different blending features like the glow effect.
I like the orange tone, as I find it suits better to the style of the character, as the robot is well worn. I believe a blue tone looks too advance for a run down robot.
Also on Thursday, James from Immersive VR gave a lecture. Before
the lecture he came by to see some of the students work, when he came around to
see me I showed him my current work and portfolio work. I showed him my current
project which he really liked and I explained the UI element of my project and
giving him examples of what I would like to achieve. We looked online of some
examples which my UI could look like potentially and told me that some of the UI
used in the Iron man films was created by someone locally in the area.
In the lecture he spoke about what he does at the company,
and what they are looking for in applicants who are thinking of starting a
career in this VR industry. He also spoke about what companies he has done work
for example ‘Johnson baby’ and other advertisement’s and big brand companies. They
have also made a fun game which is set in World War II, it is a shooter where
you must kill dinosaurs, this was using VR technology. It seems the team is not
overly big at this company and it seems to be a fun working environment to be
in with friendly people. It is something that I would look more into and to see
if my skills suit the company.
On Friday, I had a lecture about the exhibition. This was to
give us more information on what the layout would look like and how our work
may be presented. I plan to present rendered landscape images of my project. I
believe there may be at least four prints I would like to present, and if
possible maybe a turntable of my model. I also was considering of 3D printing
my model but due to the detail of the model such as the wires this may too much
time to organise and prepare for printing. I have decided to not 3D print the
Also on Friday I had still kept in contact with Chris who
does the UI at ‘CodeMasters’. I have been talking to him about the UI element
of my project so I sent image of my robot so far. He really liked the design of
the robot, he suggested maybe I should go for a retro-looking UI, he gave me
some examples such as:
I believe this maybe from the film 'Alien'. I would like to use this as inspiration.
I really like the idea and I will stick with a retro theme, he
was not the only person to mention a retro theme as I did show this to my
brother and he also said he liked the idea of a retro style as it suits the
robot. I will aim to produce some quick examples in the next few days.