Thursday 17 May 2018

Final Evaluation (My last project, and time at NUA)

Since the beginning of this year I have been working on my final project. I decided to improve my Zbrush skills and gain more knowledge of the programme by creating a dystopian robot character, which also includes a hologram UI piece. I came up with the idea to develop a dystopian themed robot because of my dissertation as it was based around such games as ‘Fallout 4’ and ‘Dishonoured 1/2'. There are some design elements of a steampunk vibe, this is inspired by the game Dishonoured and the rest of the model is stylised by Fallout and even from the film ‘Mad Max’. The UI element has a Fallout theme from the colours used. Also from the franchise of films ‘Alien’ because of its retro approach.  

I first had to start sketching some quick initial designs. At first, I struggled, I had to do quite a few silhouettes designs to finally get a sense for where I wanted the concept to go. After the quick sketching stage and then from that I started to draw more detailed designs. After I had an idea of where I would like to go with the concept I started to go into Z brush. At first, I wanted to get familiar again with Z brush as I had not used the program in a few weeks. I knew this piece was going to be different from my past Z brush designs as I would have to learn other techniques that I have never used before such as creating hard surface meshes. Because of this I did give myself at least a week or two on research with experimental practice. Through research I watched certain YouTube tutorials and I bought Z Brush books, this all helped. When it came to model my character, I chose to do all the 3D in Z brush and not go into Maya for the first stage. This was preference and I wanted to start everything fresh and learn from the experience. I had heard that hard surface modelling in Z brush was quite difficult so I wanted to test my ability. It did take time and practice but I felt I had done well to achieve the desired effect. There were areas of my model which I felt I needed some guidance such as the left hand. I did use some free downloaded insert meshes for some parts, but this was mainly in the left hand and for small details such as the bolts. At first, I was going to use an insert mesh for the upper leg but in the end, I made my own. The reason I used some insert meshes in some areas of my model was due to anxiety of how much time I felt I had. Due to ill health and having many hospital appointments I was feeling stressed about getting everything completed. Another reason I felt like this was because I wanted to focus on the UI element of my project due to wanting to apply for UI designer roles within the games industry. This was a big reason why I wanted to incorporate UI in my model. During this time, I was planning on doing a whole inventory screen with things such as the character, icons and information etc… as a separate piece which would display my model and give the impression of a in game effect. This added to my stress as I knew this would add time and take some time to do every bit of detail. After talking to tutors and guest’s visitors about the UI idea, I got the impression that it had been done before, so I wanted to do something a little different. This is how I came up with the UI becoming a hologram piece instead. I am pleased it went this way as I think it has worked out for the better. 

Throughout this project I feel that I have learnt so much more about the modelling stage within Z brush. I have used new methods to gain certain effects such as textures for poly-painting, I have posed the model and given the model a sense of present by placing the character on a diorama and by adding details to that such as rocks and foliage. In my previous character sculpt using Z brush I did not use some features to their full advantage. Even though I felt I could have branched out in some areas I believe I achieved so much more in this project than I did my last. I would have liked to of spent more time on the UI area and may of adding a title screen with my piece, I do not think it was necessary but it would have been a nice touch and it would have given me more UI themed work for my portfolio. UI will be something I will continue to develop.

Overall, I am happy with the outcome of my final project. Some areas I could have added or spent more time on if I felt I had more time to do so, but I think I have created a character that depicts well with my theme of a dystopian world. I have had good feedback from others, they have said they appreciate the design of the character, this was nice to hear as it can make all the difference if you are not feeling confidence with the project. During this project I have been very busy with other matters. Ill health is one but I haven’t let this stop me in furthering industry networking and experiences. This has all been a big part of my time recently. I managed to work alongside some of the developers at ‘Codemasters’ while working to promote their game ‘Onrush’ at EGX Rezzed. From this experience I have gained further knowledge of the industry and had the pleasure to continue my connections with some of the development team, in which they have all been so helpful. This gave me the confidence boost I needed. I have also been offered a job at ‘Rockstar Lincoln’ as a QA tester. I would never have imagined having a job lined up straight after university. I feel very lucky to be given the opportunity. I still have the passion to find a position in an artist role within the industry later in the future. I will not give up on that, but I do believe this will be the best opportunity at this time and I look forward to learning new skills in an area I am not accustomed with, and working alongside others who share the same interests as me. 

I am sad to be leaving NUA, but I do think that it is the right time to gain the experience I need within the industry. I cannot believe how quickly my time has gone while studying at NUA and I have enjoyed the experience immensely. I have improved certain skills and learnt new ones and I will continue to learn and add to my portfolio in my own time. I have had the pleasure to be taught by brilliant tutors and learnt a lot from each of them. I have met and worked alongside many fantastic people and gained lovely friends in the process that I hope to stay in contact with after university. It has been a delightful experience and I would happily do it all over again if I could, but onwards and upwards to my new beginning. 

Sunday 13 May 2018

Week Summary

During the weekend I started to produce the second UI of a map hologram screen. I have tried to keep it consistent with my other character profile screen. By using the same text font, colours and style. The text was a downloaded font from called ‘Retro computer’. 

On Monday, I traveled to Lincoln in the morning for my studio interview at Rockstar Lincoln. The interview wasn’t what I was expecting, I thought it would be quite stressful but it was quite a relaxed experience. I was still nervous that I think I came across very confident and friendly. I had to do a games test first which was timed I then went in for the interview which they asked me questions. The questions were more about myself I felt the interview is more like them getting to know me. The three members who interviewed me were very pleasant and friendly they made me feel at ease and it felt like I was having a casual conversation. I told me they would get back to me as soon as possible, probably midweek. After the interview I felt that it went well but I couldn’t tell if I done well enough to get the position, as there were times where I felt I could have answered one or two of the questions differently. After the interview I spent most of the day in Lincoln. 

As soon as I got home my phone rang stating that it was Lincoln. I didn’t expect to hear back so soon if I was successful or not. They said they were very impressed, they could see I was a team player, I had done well in the game test and that I had the skills they were looking for. Because I have also worked in the past that also helped and working at EGX Rezzed. They were happy to offer me the position of a QA tester! I happily accepted the offer. I felt very lucky to be given the opportunity as I know a lot of people did apply for this position which they told me during the interview. I believe I will have to start in early June. I am very happy that I have been given the opportunity, I know this is not an artist role but I feel grateful to have a position at Rockstar and straight after university has ended. My plan before was to go back home and finding work within the game industry whilst working in a retail job. I would have applied for UI artist roles, QA tester or even working within the promotional side of games just so I could get my foot in the door. So, I am very thankful to be given this opportunity as I find this will be a great time to gain some experience and to meet new people with the same interests. I still have plans to work as an artist in the games industry as I would like to carry on improving my artistic skills but for now this seems to be great opening and it would be silly not to take it. 

On Tuesday, I carried on with the UI screen for my map. I did manage to complete the screen. I knew the UI element would not take too long to complete as I have been keeping them simple. 

These are the some simple and easy to read run down buildings, they are the icons that show on the map of other enemy bases that you can go in and take over if you wish.

This is the L1 button that is displayed on screen to tell players that they can interact with to change the page. A R1 was also created.
This globe was put together by me but I did use the globe shape and edit it to how I liked. This shows the player the area that they are in within the gaming world.  

This is the final map design, I will place this on top of my chosen images. I wanted to keep the screen as similar as I could to the character profile screen so it flows well together. Again I have not added much text at all only in areas that I think it is needed. I have stated what each icon is clearly, such as point of interests and location icon. My inspiration has been from Fallout 4 but keeping the theme similar to the Alien films. I do feel if this was a real in game piece and you could interact with the piece for real I would of added a lot more detail, but for now as a still image on a character rendered piece I think it is portray well. 

On Wednesday, I did not do any work or go into university due to a pre- assessment hospital appointment. 

On Thursday, I went into university to work, since being given the opportunity to work at Rockstar and knowing that hand in is next week I would like to make the most of the time I have left here at university. Recently I have felt that I am not really a part of the University as much as I like due to so much going on such as my new job position and sorting out living arrangements in Lincoln, and the surgery I must have. It seems it has all happened all at once, but I would rather that than not have a set plan for when I leave University. I am trying to keep up with my work as well but I am doing okay for time as I have managed to complete one of the rendered images with the UI on top today. It would be nice to do a title screen scene but that was only if I felt I had the time to do so and it is less important. I would rather get the other UI rendered piece of the robot in full body shot finished before I start thinking about a title screen piece.

 This image at first was going to be worked on to be one of my final pieces. The more I edited the positions of the UIs I did not like the flow of he piece at all with both screens, something was off. 

I then done a quick test and thought maybe the colours did not contrast well together. I played with the colour of the map UI screen but it still did not feel right to me. I believe there is to much going on in both areas from left to right and it is distracting the viewer from the model itself. The composition does not flow, so I decided to only present one UI screen with the model. I chose the character profile screen as I felt the viewer would get more information from that and a better understanding of the character. I will display the character profile UI piece with my other pieces as well at the exhibition.  

This is what the final close up shot with the character profile UI screen looks like. I think it looks a lot clearer now. I have edited the screen to give it a glow effect and also added light effects to the robot and glow to the eyes as this is a part of the process of how the character can use the UI. 

On Friday, I went into university to work and to go to afternoon lecture but the lecture was cancelled. So I continued with placing the UI on my second rendered shot of the robot in full body view.  

This is the final piece for the full body shot of the robot using the UI. I used the same methods as the close up shot and kept to the same settings as the other so it does not look out of place with the other. As if  had one that glowed more than the other it would not look like it was from the same piece. I  have tried to keep it consistent.  

Here I have done a quick possible layout of what my work would look like shown at the exhibition. I would like to have my main three rendered images showing a close up of the character using the UI and a full shot of the character using it. Then a rotation piece of my character from front, side and back view. Under that the UI piece that I used within my model to show the viewers a clear image of what the original piece looks like. And I guess my details and business cards can be on the right hand side. Also if possible a turntable of my model would be a good asset.

Here is another option on a possible layout. I will keep my mind open at this time.