Thursday 17 May 2018

Final Evaluation (My last project, and time at NUA)

Since the beginning of this year I have been working on my final project. I decided to improve my Zbrush skills and gain more knowledge of the programme by creating a dystopian robot character, which also includes a hologram UI piece. I came up with the idea to develop a dystopian themed robot because of my dissertation as it was based around such games as ‘Fallout 4’ and ‘Dishonoured 1/2'. There are some design elements of a steampunk vibe, this is inspired by the game Dishonoured and the rest of the model is stylised by Fallout and even from the film ‘Mad Max’. The UI element has a Fallout theme from the colours used. Also from the franchise of films ‘Alien’ because of its retro approach.  

I first had to start sketching some quick initial designs. At first, I struggled, I had to do quite a few silhouettes designs to finally get a sense for where I wanted the concept to go. After the quick sketching stage and then from that I started to draw more detailed designs. After I had an idea of where I would like to go with the concept I started to go into Z brush. At first, I wanted to get familiar again with Z brush as I had not used the program in a few weeks. I knew this piece was going to be different from my past Z brush designs as I would have to learn other techniques that I have never used before such as creating hard surface meshes. Because of this I did give myself at least a week or two on research with experimental practice. Through research I watched certain YouTube tutorials and I bought Z Brush books, this all helped. When it came to model my character, I chose to do all the 3D in Z brush and not go into Maya for the first stage. This was preference and I wanted to start everything fresh and learn from the experience. I had heard that hard surface modelling in Z brush was quite difficult so I wanted to test my ability. It did take time and practice but I felt I had done well to achieve the desired effect. There were areas of my model which I felt I needed some guidance such as the left hand. I did use some free downloaded insert meshes for some parts, but this was mainly in the left hand and for small details such as the bolts. At first, I was going to use an insert mesh for the upper leg but in the end, I made my own. The reason I used some insert meshes in some areas of my model was due to anxiety of how much time I felt I had. Due to ill health and having many hospital appointments I was feeling stressed about getting everything completed. Another reason I felt like this was because I wanted to focus on the UI element of my project due to wanting to apply for UI designer roles within the games industry. This was a big reason why I wanted to incorporate UI in my model. During this time, I was planning on doing a whole inventory screen with things such as the character, icons and information etc… as a separate piece which would display my model and give the impression of a in game effect. This added to my stress as I knew this would add time and take some time to do every bit of detail. After talking to tutors and guest’s visitors about the UI idea, I got the impression that it had been done before, so I wanted to do something a little different. This is how I came up with the UI becoming a hologram piece instead. I am pleased it went this way as I think it has worked out for the better. 

Throughout this project I feel that I have learnt so much more about the modelling stage within Z brush. I have used new methods to gain certain effects such as textures for poly-painting, I have posed the model and given the model a sense of present by placing the character on a diorama and by adding details to that such as rocks and foliage. In my previous character sculpt using Z brush I did not use some features to their full advantage. Even though I felt I could have branched out in some areas I believe I achieved so much more in this project than I did my last. I would have liked to of spent more time on the UI area and may of adding a title screen with my piece, I do not think it was necessary but it would have been a nice touch and it would have given me more UI themed work for my portfolio. UI will be something I will continue to develop.

Overall, I am happy with the outcome of my final project. Some areas I could have added or spent more time on if I felt I had more time to do so, but I think I have created a character that depicts well with my theme of a dystopian world. I have had good feedback from others, they have said they appreciate the design of the character, this was nice to hear as it can make all the difference if you are not feeling confidence with the project. During this project I have been very busy with other matters. Ill health is one but I haven’t let this stop me in furthering industry networking and experiences. This has all been a big part of my time recently. I managed to work alongside some of the developers at ‘Codemasters’ while working to promote their game ‘Onrush’ at EGX Rezzed. From this experience I have gained further knowledge of the industry and had the pleasure to continue my connections with some of the development team, in which they have all been so helpful. This gave me the confidence boost I needed. I have also been offered a job at ‘Rockstar Lincoln’ as a QA tester. I would never have imagined having a job lined up straight after university. I feel very lucky to be given the opportunity. I still have the passion to find a position in an artist role within the industry later in the future. I will not give up on that, but I do believe this will be the best opportunity at this time and I look forward to learning new skills in an area I am not accustomed with, and working alongside others who share the same interests as me. 

I am sad to be leaving NUA, but I do think that it is the right time to gain the experience I need within the industry. I cannot believe how quickly my time has gone while studying at NUA and I have enjoyed the experience immensely. I have improved certain skills and learnt new ones and I will continue to learn and add to my portfolio in my own time. I have had the pleasure to be taught by brilliant tutors and learnt a lot from each of them. I have met and worked alongside many fantastic people and gained lovely friends in the process that I hope to stay in contact with after university. It has been a delightful experience and I would happily do it all over again if I could, but onwards and upwards to my new beginning. 

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