Sunday 3 December 2017

Week Summary

This week on Monday, I continued with my Zbrush model. It is coming on nicely and it now has a lot more detail to it especially the upper half of the body. To continue the model, I have used the same methods as precious when modelling, such as dragging in other premade meshes to my own. I have added quite a lot to the model now. I have added the finer details to the wrist gauntlets, I made sure not to use the symmetry tool when adding the finer details such as the broken parts to the gauntlets and I added a shield to the arm piece. With the shield piece, I made it look a little dated compare to the rest of the model’s design. I did this because I wanted to give the character some personally as the shield is a hand me down piece from the characters father who was also a heroic murmillo gladiator. I have added damage detail to show its age. The main brushes I used to add the details to this piece are mainly dam standard, move brush and transform tools and high polish brush which gives my model a clean edge on some parts of the armour pieces. 

On Tuesday, I had my anatomy workshop session. We did not continue with the big scale model this week but focused on hands and finally posing the smaller model that was made a few weeks ago. We had to pick a pose of our choice from a section given and pose the smaller model as accurate as possible from the image. After posing the smaller model, we then had to add that to a wooden base using wax to hold it there. The pose I chose was an archery set pose. After the first posing task, we then had to use wax to model some hands which then had to be posed into a letter gesture from sigh language, we had to use our first letter of our names mine being ‘S’. I sculpted two hands forming the sign for ‘S’. Hands are parts of the body I always struggle with and in this task, it was no different. I did pose the hands in the correct way but I believe the scale was not right, one hand was bigger than the other. Hopefully we do a task similar to this again so I can improve. 

On Wednesday, I continued with my Zbrush model and started to model the legs. I did manage to complete the legs, but it did take me some time to get the design down that I wanted. Eventually I got the design I wanted, but I may add to it later if I see fit. I did struggle with the feet, they took me the longest to complete. I wanted to give the feet a sandal like appearance to match the roman era. I added a metal like shield on top of the feet because this represents that the motor piece (tubes) that connect to the legs function in which they would be able to be moved up and down mechanically to protect his feet. I wanted to add these little details as I want my model to make sense in its design and how the suit would protect the person inside it. After adding the legs, I would say the high poly model is completed I will add small touches soon such as finger nails details etc…I will add cracks or broken areas to this model also so it does give the appearance of an old sculpture. After than I will pose the model.

On Thursday, I could not attend the session for concept art as I was away for a family event till Sunday. Even though I could not attend the session I did complete the task (8) as soon as I could. I felt like this task was rushed for me as I wasn’t in and I wanted to hand it in through email as I knew I wouldn’t be able to hand it in on the deadline date, therefore I think it felt rushed and not enough effort went into this task unfortunately. We had the choice of an environment piece or character piece. I chose to do a character piece because I have done a few environment pieces, recently. The characters had a theme and we had to give our own representation of that character. Them being: Yuki-onna, Barbegazi, Haietlik, Beira, Krampus. I chose to design the Krampus character because it was one I knew of best. For this piece, I stuck more to an old man who is devil like with horns, Santa themed is present in this piece. I did use line work, I have been meaning to practice more without relying so much on line but with how much I felt rushed I decided to stick with line work. I did use a gradient effect over this image as I have wanted to use this effect before. Overall, I like the design of the character and the effects but if I felt I had more time I would of painted the piece differently in a more realistic style.

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