Sunday 11 February 2018

Week Summary

On Monday, I did not have any university sessions but I decided to go into the library to do some research. I feel this week will be more of a research week searching YouTube videos on hard surface modelling and considering different types of art styles for my character. While I was in the library I got a collection of books to look through whilst there, some books more useful than others. Whilst looking at some of the books found during my time at the library I took some photos of different artists that I could look at for this project. The artists that I picked showed some of their work which I liked, from the style used and themes. It may be good to experiment with different styles within the 2D element of this project. 

Also on Monday night I did start to do some quick silhouettes designs for my robot character. Instead of using Photoshop for the silhouettes I used sketchbook Pro. I decided to use sketchbook Pro because of the symmetry tool inside the programme I thought this may be useful at first to quickly jot down some ideas as to get the ideas flowing as I have not been feeling as motivated recently. 

On Tuesday, in the morning I had my anatomy session. In this session we looked at adding a hard-wax base to our big scale model, most of the session consisted of this as others were catching up on different areas of their model which gave our tutor other priorities. The session was slow paced but it was good to finally get a base on the model as it weights the model nicely and now it can stand on its accord.

Also on Tuesday, I had to give my presentation of my project idea which consisted of two slides. I spoke about what I wanted to do during this project what my end result will be, also to add that it will be based off my dissertation theme. My tutors seem to like the robot idea especially presenting my piece using UI elements through menu designs, as it does give this piece a more in game feel. I was told to do more research on the robot story and what dystopian world it belongs to. After the pitch I decided to do some research on this. I like the idea based off a ‘Mad Max’ themed as this film is within a dystopian world and there are various shortages on supplies etc… I thought with this idea it relates well with the robot not being well-defined in appearance, it gives a clear representation of a ruined robot not a well put together one, one that has been affected by its environment and must use what is around it to survive, such as crafting a weapon to its body or patching up its armour plates. I also like the idea of a steampunk theme within the design I will try to imitate this in the model as it relates well with Mad Max and Dishonored games from my dissertation theme. The robot will be a companion robot which helps its group (humans) to survive such as gathering loot or fighting in a battle. It will have its own personality and I hope to put this across in its design.

On Wednesday, I did not have any sessions to attend at university but my focus was to complete the silhouettes designs for my robot. I continued to use sketchbook Pro for this as I found I got good results using it. I do feel more motivated now that I feel I’ve got more of an idea to go off. From the silhouettes I will choose the one I prefer the most and I will get others to look also, from there I will create some more detailed designs adding in what the character face may look like or the armour etc… I plan to get this done by the end of the week or Monday. Next week I plan to start the 3D stage after I feel confident enough with the hard surface parts of modelling. I will continue to watch more YouTube videos on this from there I will start to do some practice pieces. 

On Thursday I decided to go into University to work. While I was there I continued with YouTube hard surface modelling videos looking at different methods on how to produce some hard surface meshes. When it comes to the hard surface modelling I know that there are different techniques on how to do it, I will experiment whilst doing my project. I have seen that using the clipping brushes are popular to gain that hard edge and using high polish brushes. Working with good retopology is also key for gaining a high surface mesh. I believe whilst doing this Zbrush model I will learn throughout the project, I think if I just jump into the 3D side sooner rather than later it will be easier for me to get more motivated and give me a clearer perspective on where the project will take me. - Retopolpgizing techniques. - Use of Z Modeler - Hard surface design with Booleans - Top tips in ZBrush (Summit)

On Friday, I went into University again to work and continue to do more research on my project watching videos on robot creation in Zbrush and how other artist start their first initial stage. I also was looking at more images on robots from films to games and peoples work on sites such as Art station. I decided also what silhouettes I will work from. From this I will now work on getting some quick detailed sketches completed. Also on Friday in the afternoon I had a group careers meeting with the university’s employment and business team member. In the meeting we spoke about our plans after graduation and where we would like to go with our degree, and what the best way to present ourselves with CVs and information on networking, events are good for this. I have booked tickets for an event in London in March called ‘Vertex’. This event consists of watching workshops on 3D modelling such as Maya to Zbrush, it has a industry fair, you have a chance to talk and ask questions to industry people and freelancers within films, games and television. Personally, I think this event will be very beneficial as I will have the opportunity to meet people within the industry and to ask for some advice I do plan to give out some business cards during the event. Also on Friday when I got home my Zbrush book on character and creature design arrived, I have had a quick look at this book so far and it looks like it will really help me with my model giving me useful tips and processes. - Vertex 2018 event

The silhouettes outlined here are the designs that stand out the most to me and have been picked out from others I have asked. I know when it comes to the modeling stage there will be changes to the design, but by having a rough idea of what I want to achieve with my final piece these are the first steps to get there. I will add to these to form details which I will then go on to model.

This is the Zbrush book I bought. I know that there is a copy of this in the library but I wanted to have my own copy which would be good to always have with me when I leave university. This book will help me throughout my project. 

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