Sunday 18 March 2018

Week Summary

On Monday, I was traveling to London and did not have my laptop with me so I did not do any Zbrush modelling Monday and Tuesday.

On Tuesday I attended the Vertex 2018 event. While I was there I made sure to attend a few of the talks that interested me. First I went to the talk to see 'Simon Holemodal'. "Art of the title sequence". The talk was interesting and wasn't related to video game design but it was fresh to see and hear someone talk about there works and projects on a new subject. He used a piece of software called  'Houdini'. It is a 3D animation application. He showed us how he created and gain the results he achieved in the software. He has done project for Nike Trainers and others. 

Later I attended a talk by 'Adam Dewhirst', "How to build a human in one day". He works for a VFX company in New York called 'The Mill'. This was more of a demonstration talk on how to place a digidouble inside a film, advert etc... and how to do it in less than 24 hours. It was good to listen and see how something new it created and put to life. He show us an advert the company put together with a man growing a beard a real time. He shown us step by step how they achieved the desired effect, using photography and a scanning software to project the image on top of a 3D model of a man. 

During the talk he showed us an advert that happened to feature the creature on the front cover of this 3D world magazine given to me for free. 

This is a image of the talk in which he is showing how the projection of the image is created. 

I also went to another talk later with 'Jess' she works at 'Dovetail' She is a previous NUA student. She has spoken at university before. She went more in depth in how she creates the environments inside the games she works on. 

The last talk I went to was to see 'Shayleen Hulbert' "Creating characters for games". She was also a guest speaker at university, In the talk she spoke about similar topics like she did when she visited university, but she did go more in depth and gave us good tips on how to create a character for games. it was a engaging talk. 

I also spoke to someone who works at 'Creative assembly'. He asked me what I do and what I plan to go into after I told him I'm a near graduate student. I spoke about my interest in character art but also my interest in UI. He told me that there is big competition in character art and that it could be very hard to gain a job. I did know this already this is why I have looked into UI design. He said with UI design I am a lot more likely to find a job. This is why in my final project at university I decided to combine character art with UI, these are both subjects I enjoy and want to get better at. When I leave university I will focus my attention on UI design. UI design has been something I have thought about before starting university but I never took it further, now I will and continue to produce more UI art for my portfolio, 

While on my journey back home on the train, I decided to do some very quick sketches of some UI title screens and inventory screen for my main project which will be theme on my sci-fi robot. 

These are very rough sketches, I will use Balsamiq Mockups again like I did in my UI Art test to get clean wire frame designs. 

On Wednesday I dedicated my time to continue with my robot character.

I did complete the upper part of the leg, I do still need to add some more details such as bolts and wires. I may even smooth the surface a little and give it a softer appearance.

This is the middle lower area of the leg (Shin area), all using the same methods as before.

On Thursday I did not do any of my model due to a appointment and other commitments.

On Friday, I completed the leg, I only need to add some details later. The focus was to create the foot.

This is one of the toes I wanted to use. To do this I bought in a sphere then used the move tool to edit and used the high polish brush. When the toe was finally added to the whole of the foot, it did not flow well so I decided to start the toes again and to go for more of a box/harder shape and edges.

I wanted the leg to be chicken like. As I thought this detail works well with the theme. As the robot is a environment similar to Fallout/Mad max where the terrain will be uneven, I wanted the character to be able to function well when in movement and to hold itself well.

I will need to mirror the leg to the other side and I may shorten the leg slightly but overall I am happy so far. It is near completion with the modeling stage.

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