Sunday 17 January 2016

Week 15 summary

This week I have been continuing with my vintage phone model which I have been enjoying, I still need to add the phone cord and dial and a few more details but it is coming on nicely which I am happy about. On Thursday afternoon I had a contextual studies lecture but we had a guest come into the university called Steven Huckle who is a games developer he gave us an insight of his work and time working in the games industry. The talk was very insightful. Some of the projects that he has worked on are, Tomb raider, The sims 3 and Transformers universe just being some, he has worked on many other titles which is a big accomplishment. He has a website that he himself has set up called this helps people set up their own development studio for making their own playable games. It was a very enjoyable lecture which gave me a lot of interesting information. Also for the group presentation that is going to be happening in the next few weeks I have met up with my group and we have started to put some points and research across to each other so we have more of an understanding of what it is we are going to focus our presentation on. Friday I had a Photoshop tutorial on how to do masking in Photoshop, this was all new to me. We had to produce our own photo piece at the end of the lesson with what we have been taught.

(My Photoshop piece)

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