Sunday 31 January 2016

Week 17 summary

This week has been fairly busy as I have finished my Vintage telephone, it took me quite a long time to get some parts right but it was tiral and error but I have finally completed a final looking model that I am happy with. On Wednesday I had a 3D session, in the session we were told to play around with our 3D models of our vintage telephone, this was good as it gave me more time to finish the dial. On Thursday we had a session in the forum, One of the tutors gave us a talk on some of his projects that he has done in the past throughout college and his university life and his personal projects that he continues today, it was nice to see some of his work. Also in the same lecture we were given a talk about women in the games industry this was very enjoyable as being a female who would like to become apart of the games industry one day, this gave me an insight of the industry as it is today and how the games industry is still in need of a lot more women employees. On Friday I had a crit session what was worth going to as I got to see where other students are at the moment and got feedback from my tutor that will help me develop in my projects.

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