Friday 16 December 2016

Weekly Summary

This week we did not have a lecture on the Monday so on Tuesday we had a Z brush session. Last week I had trouble with mirroring the Z sphere because my first Z sphere that I placed down was not centered, this then cause the symmetry method to not work properly as it did not mirror and cause deformations in my model. This week I did managed to add Zspheres without any problems. I did get my base model down and started to create form to my creature model in the session, which I was happy with, as I do not feel like I am behind from last week now.

The design is getting there slowly, I would like to change a few things such as the neck area it will need to be a lot longer and the upper front legs look to chunky, this I will need to change in the next session. To achieved the detail that I have put down so far I used the clay build up brush and the move brush.

In contextual studies this week we looked at games as social spaces. The lecture was very useful as it was a topic that would relate to my essay. The lecture consisted of using online gaming as a social place. Because my essay will be themed on AR I did notice that the lecture did mention a game called 'Majestic' which was one of the first AR games to be released by EA in 2000/2001, This will be really good to use as one of my games in my essay as it will relate well to my AR topic.

The seminar was about last week contextual studies lecture that I could not attend on narrative in video games, Even though I did not deliver much in the conversion this week in the seminar because I could not attend last week contextual studies session I did not fully understand the topic as well as the group but I did listen to the groups discussions about narrative.

Also this week we had guest speakers,  Dan and Greg from the popular YouTube channel Did you know gaming? they spoke about networking and what they did in the past before Youtube. They used there skills in pixel art and editing that they learnt in university and spoke about how that help them with the success of their Youtube channel. It was a fun talk.

In anatomy this week we looked at the arm, elbow, wrist and fingers. I was very happy about learning this part of the body as it is an area of the body that I do struggle with drawing the hands.

At the end of the week in my session I drew some studies on hands, noses and mouths, as I felt I need to improve in this area, this was part of my development project.

The Christmas break begins.

Development project

 These are some hand studies that I have done in the week, hands are something that I really struggle with I hope to get better at them. I will plan to do more studies from now on. (The dark lined sketches are mine on the right side).
 These are some sketches of lips with expressions as I never really do expressions sketches. I really enjoyed doing these.

Another area of the body I don't draw often as I am not very confidence in drawing noses. (The dark lined are mine). Overall I think I did well with this study.

These are some rough mask designs for my tribal character.
The two above images are very rough silhouettes designs for the tribal warrior and samurai warrior.

 These are more detailed designs of what my 3 characters designs could include, or gather information on, to bring a final design to light.

I wanted to do some quick composition studies also to familiarize myself again.

This is my final design for my tribal warrior, I wanted to give her a sci fi look with the mask but the rest of her I wanted her to look like she hasn't got the technology like other warriors would have in a sci fi setting, and from being in a tribal area she would not have the luxury of advance technology or weapons. For my first final piece for this project I think it went well. As I am now starting to use Photoshop more regularly now because of this project I don't think I did too bad. I like that in Photoshop I could add different brush effects to the drawings, the tattoos for example, giving this painting a added finish. I'm still inexperienced with adding backgrounds, I hope to improve in this area.

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