Thursday 12 January 2017

Contextual Studies, Games as Learning Tools Task.

Take your two example games for the essay:

Write a couple of paragraphs on what skills or knowledge these games might teach you, or might be used to demonstrate:

Pokemon Go and Majestic.
Pokemon Go - This game teaches you the importance of exercise, the game wants you to move to progress and to succeeded in catching all of the Pokemon available and while you move the possibility of the eggs that you have collected may hatch. The game also teaches you that you need to have a strong level Pokemon (CP) to stay the longest in a Pokemon gym, the aim is not to be booted out. 

Majestic - This game increases your logical ability because of how the game send you messages, emails or calls and gives you as the player clues to solve puzzles to develop and open more understandings of the story.

How transferable are these skills/information?

Pokemon Go and Majestic both transfer skills as keeping the player aware of others and surroundings, team work can be included, logic, both games also give the lesson that you must keep on going to achieve your final outcomes, you must work hard to get what you want from both games, if that is more Powerful Pokemon so you can battle other trainers, or to gain more information to fill in the gaps in a story that you must solve.

What kind of world-view does your game encourage, how might it make you see things differently?

Pokemon Go - may make you see people joining together forming friendships, being social and showing a more healthier attitude to lifestyle because of being more active and sociable.

Majestic - May make you see people coming together sharing information to help each other solve the story that game provides. And you my see people helping others with some of the logical clues who may struggle and working together to receive a final outcome.

How transparent is the game about the ways it manipulates the player?

Pokemon Go may manipulate the player by the achievement system in the game itself. Depending on how many Pokemon types you catch, how many miles you have walked all give the player a sense of achivement and doing so can keep the player from drifting from the game.

Majestic may manipulate the player by the calls, messages, emails etc..., that you receive at anytime of the day, the game could take control over some people's everyday tasks, thus keeping the player glued or waiting on what to come next. This can bring anxiety to the player as it can bring them out of reality.

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