Friday 20 January 2017

Contextual Studies, Games as Sports Task

Take your two example games for the essay:

How inclusive are they for differently able-bodied players, do they make assumptions about the player’s body-type or exclude those with certain disabilities?

Pokemon Go - The game itself can be played by all ages from children to grown adults. If the player enjoyed watching the cartoon when they were younger or if a person is a fan of the franchise already this will give the player more possibility's to play. Some people who may have certain disabilities may struggle with this game as it is very active, the game makes you walk miles if it has too just so you can catch certain Pokemon or battle some gyms. People with disabilities such as Autism may also find this game difficult to play if not accompanied by a friend or carer depending on the players ability's and needs. They may struggle with the social aspect of the game, as it does bring big groups of people to popular places making the area very busy which may not agree with someone who may have low social skills.

Majestic - This game can not be played by children, the age for this game is 18 onward, this draws many away from this game already. I believe this game isn't for everyone because of it's topic on conspiracy. This may only interest a certain audience. People who are blind or deaf will also struggle to play this game because of the elements of communication that you receive in this game from such forms as being called, emails etc..., people with learning disabilities may struggle with this game also but the game does give the player a lot of information to process and put together logically, this can be difficult for some.

How does the meaning of your games change when they are played competitively or by a speed-runner?

Pokemon Go - The fun of the game will be taken away if you try to complete it as fast as you can, it would also be very difficult to collect all of the Pokemon in a certain amount of time. The only way that the player could make it easier to collect all Pokemon would be by downloading or using an app that shows you the Pokemon in the area and how long they will stay there for. The hype of the game would not last if you could play this game on a speed runner.

Majestic - I think to complete this game in a time limit it would be impossible as the player relies on the game itself to update you with information to progress to the next puzzle. If it was possible to obtain all the needed information to solve the story the game would be pointless.

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