Sunday 1 October 2017

Week Summary

This is the first week of year 3, it is good to be back after a long break, I'm looking forward to starting the last year and to make the most of this final year. On Monday we had our first briefing with a tutor. The project is to do anything of your choice that being a 3D model, making a game or concept piece, but we need to present a 2 minute and 2 slide only slideshow for next week stating what we want to produce in project 1 that will carry on till next January. Project 1 and our dissertation also will need to be completed by January 2018.

on Monday afternoon I did have a talk with a tutor about project 1. When I spoke to my tutor I told them that I would like to create a dystopian  themed character from 2D to 3D using Z brush. I have now changed the theme to a roman themed character with a Sci-fi element to the design. In this project I would start with researching designs related to my theme and then to start silhouettes and iterations which will finally lead to my final concept design in which I will draw a front and back view of the final character. When the final character is drawn and finalize I will sculpt a 3D model in Z brush adding high details and place the model in a pose. I will texture the model in substance painter that I still need to learn from, I will give this programme ago very soon. I chose to do a 3D model as I have not really done a lot of 3D work and really want to gain more skills and knowledge. I would like to give myself a challenge.

On Tuesday we had our welcome talk. I have started to do my research on my theme with mood boards to get familiar with my project. I have also started to watch YouTube tutorial videos on Z Brush about character modeling and how to pose a character. I will continue to look at more videos as these will help me during my project.

On Wednesday I did not have any sessions at university but I did finish a 3D model. In the summer term I modeled a modern bar stool in Maya to get familiar with the programme again but I never did texture it, I thought I would place my 3D model into Substance painter. The process of texturing the model was similar to Photoshop in a way. It was enjoyable to use I can see myself using Substance painter from now on with texturing models.

I wanted to use many different types of brushes in Substance painter and play around with them, this is why the stool is well worn I wanted to give as much detail as needed. 

On Thursday I had a session with my group. In this session I used Photoshop to learn how to blend and not use line work with sketching, as I haven't been doing digital painting no longer than 2/3 years I have stuck with an art style that uses line I do enjoy this style but it would be good to experiment with other styles. I aim not to rely on line to much in this next project.

 This image shows the blend practice that I did in session. I will continue to learn this technique.

On Friday we had a contextual studies lecture with a different tutor from last year. In the lecture we were told helpful tips for how to find correct sources for our dissertation and other helpful tips that will help me in the next coming weeks. In the next coming weeks I plan to get a draft of at least 1000/2000 word done for my dissertation,

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