Sunday 22 October 2017

Week Summary

On Monday, I did not have any sessions. I did carry on with some of my character concept project on Monday. I drew three line drawings of a character that could become the finalised 3D design of my Roman character, yet I still haven’t got a finalized design that I like. Also on the same day I went back into the Z brush with the model of the human sculpt that I did previous, I attempted to add detail onto the model such as a rough helmet design and chest piece. I made the model which was done using Z spheres into an adaptive skin so that I could sculpt onto the model with no problems. I wanted to do this as I felt this would give me a clearer understanding of the programme and how to use certain tools when it comes to my final design. Even though this piece is still very rough I think it’s good to do development work that can show I am trying to keep on top of learning different skills in Z brush. 

This image shows some of the quick line designs of what my final design for my character could be. I use the final silhouette design from last week and did a quick draw over on top. I will do more deigns.
Zsphere used to create the human body. (Rough)

 This is the zspheres as a adaptive skin ready to model on.

This is a rough sculpt on top of adaptive skin model to get a faint idea of what I will attempt with my final model. I used the move brush tool and clay build up brush for this sculpt with smoothing in some areas.

On Tuesday, I had my waxwork anatomy session. In the session, we had to finish off our smaller models which was completed early in the session this consisted of completing the hands of the model, arms and legs. We then we moved on to the bigger scale model that we will now carry on to completion. With the bigger model, we will use a different type of wax which sets quicker and is much more resistant, in the next few weeks I hope to have a completed model with all muscle structures, bone and ligaments. I’m enjoying the sessions so far and looking forward to finally having a completed model of a human body. It has been nice to do something practical in a session. In this session, On the bigger scale model I only got the first base of the leg wax on and pelvis completed but next week I will have to tidy up and smooth the wax in which I can then move on and add to the pelvis structure. Also on Wednesday I went to the university library and managed to get a copy of the DVD ‘Stalker’. Which may be of some use for my dissertation.

On Wednesday, I went to see a specialised tutor for my dyslexia as I am entitled to one hour sessions a week. In this one hour session I went over my dissertation idea with them, they wrote down a way of how to structure my dissertation in the correct way in which parts needed to go where. I still haven’t got a solid idea of where my dissertation will go and this is staring to worry me a little, but it just needs to be put together in more contexts but they did give me some good ideas and advice and we went through my theme in more detail thoroughly. In the next coming weeks, I can see that these sessions will be very useful which will finally lead to a concluded dissertation. I will go to these one-hour sessions once a week from now on. 

The above images show what my specialised tutor went over with me, this shows my ideas and a way of structuring my dissertation.

On Thursday, I had a concept art session in which another task was issued. In this task (3), we were told to do a draw over of a character female or male that had certain requirements that needed to be added. 

 Brief C.

 Brief D.
This is the image that we were given to draw over.

I went with the male character which is brief D, it consists of the male character to be a zombie and in the era of Zhou dynasty. The character needed to have clothing elements that fitted the theme. The focus of the project was how the material folds or creases. This is a skill that I need to learn in more depth as my style consists of line, I find that materials don’t have much realism in some of my drawings. Even though I’m a character artist I did find this task a little difficult in some areas especially with the clothing. I used a photo bash method for the clothing part of this drawing and in which I used different tools and brushes to darken areas and to light areas to give it the effect of creases. I don’t think this is one of my strongest pieces I found it quite hard to get involved 100% into this project which I found odd as it is a project that I should have enjoyed more as it is character themed, I think I could have done better on this project but overall, I do like the design of the character and clothing theme that I have picked and put together and its colours. After the character was drawn and finalised I added a background piece. This was done by using a photograph and doing a paint over on areas and using different blending modes to give this piece a more atmospheric touch.  

Also on Thursday, late afternoon I had an anatomy session that I decided to go to. I attended all the anatomy sessions in year two but I would like to continue these sessions to get familiar again with the anatomy of the body. Also in these sessions, it is a good time to do some quick sketches, I will continue to do this in each session every week. 

On Friday, I had a group meeting in contextual studies going over the dissertation once again with the group and with the person sitting next to me. In this session, we were asked to talk over our theme once more and to produce a spider diagram of some kind from my dissertation idea which the person next to me had to complete. I had to give them my theme and games that I will be using and from that they produced the spider diagram. I did find that this task puts my ideas into perspective. I will keep this piece with me and to look over it for ideas. Also in the session, I spoke to a tutor about the idea for my dissertation and what I went over with earlier this week with my one-hour session with a specialised tutor and they told me to make the subject less broad, in which they gave me a new title/idea for my dissertation which is ‘How does environment collapse frame narrative in fallout 4 and dishonoured 2’. I will go over this title with some research and find some sources that may help me, I may have to change slightly my idea and look more at the narrative of both these games. I will see my specialist tutor next week and go over this with them. 

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