Sunday 15 October 2017

Week Summary

On Monday, I did not have any sessions at university. In the morning, I did have someone from DSA come to my home and do some specialist training with me with my new equipment for my dyslexia, this is convenient as I learnt how to use the equipment with a lot more efficiency. Also on Monday I did do some silhouette drawings of my Roman sci-fi character, some of the silhouettes are better than other designs but I am still trying to find a solid idea. I’ve been looking at different pieces of similar themed character art for research to convey more of a finalised concept for my character. With my silhouettes, I have started to do block out iterations directing me to a final design idea.

On Tuesday, I had my waxwork model making session. In this session, I finished the rib cage, I made a pelvis for my model, and the head and the feet in which have all been completed. In my next session, I will need to finish the model with legs, arms and hands. With this done it will bring the model to completion. I also did some very rough silhouette designs for my character. 

 My wax work model so far.

These are very rough silhouettes I do not really like any of these designs but I wanted to post them for development purposes.

On the Wednesday, I did not have a session, I was unable to do any work related to my project on Wednesday due to being back at home for an appointment and family outings.

On Thursday, I could not attend the session in the afternoon. I knew of a task that was to be completed for the weekend, I attempted this in the evening. The task was a character task in which you had to produce either a goblin or a dwarf with specific elements. I chose to go with the goblin character. I used a method of photo bashing and digital painting. I attempted to give the character some expression and personality as the character is foolish and young. To do this piece at first, I went into the ‘Alchemy’ programme and created a few simple silhouette designs this was to give me an idea what body shape would be suitable for my character. After I was happy with my silhouettes I picked one which I thought would work the best, I put the silhouette into photoshop and drew on top of the silhouette a rough design. I then went into Google images to get some suitable PNG images of appropriate clothing in which would fit the theme. I went for ragged clothing as the character is based in a prison so I found this would be reasonable. As soon as I found the images I played around in Photoshop giving the body form with the images provided and edited them to suit using transform tools. As soon as the body had form and structure I drew the final design and gave the character expression and colour. Overall, I was happy with the outcome for a small task and did not think the photo bashing part of this piece was too bad, it came out well I believe this would be useful in the future with character design to get a quick effective finalised idea. 

Above are the character tables that we had to go from brief A or B.

These are the Goblin silhouettes that I created in 'Alchemy' I went for a more generic goblin form.

This is my final design. The drawing may of flown better if there was no line work but overall I like the art style and feel of this piece. I would like to practice more without using line work in my pieces, I aim to do this for my current project.

On Friday in the afternoon I had a trip to the UEA University to visit the library and the Sainsbury Centre. The library at the UEA is a lot bigger than the one in NUA. I will visit this library again as I found it will help with sources and research for my dissertation subject which is based on a dystopian world, scarcity, life after disaster, hauntology in environments. They did not have any books based on the games I was looking for which is the Fallout franchise and dishonoured, but overall, I did find some books that may be useful to me. I have started to look into the books and sources I found at the library some more useful than others, I will look into these sources in more depth soon to see if they will be of any use in my dissertation. I am yet to find the film ‘Stalker’ on DVD to watch as this has been recommended. Also on Friday/weekend I managed to put together a final silhouette design of my Roman sci-fi character. Next week I aim to start some detail using line work on top of the chosen silhouette and more iterations pieces. Also, I have made a simple 3D sculpt in Z brush of the human body using Z spheres. I wanted to do this as I want to become more familiar with using Z spheres as when it comes to the 3D aspect of my project I think this would help me greatly as I am still not overly confident with the technical side of 3D sculpting, and this worries me that I may have struggles later in this project. so, I would like to familiarise myself with certain aspects of the programme, as when it comes to that part I will be more aware of how to correct mistakes or have a more broader idea. Next week I will sculpt on this model. 

 The above images show some of the sources that I found or can look into in more depth.

This is the final design that I like the most, I will rework this image into something with more detail.

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