Sunday, 31 January 2016

Vintage telephone

This is my final model of my vintage telephone, This was the 3rd project that we had to do, our first project was the lamp and the second project was the barrel that was textured. The Vintage telephone was modelled in Maya, this model was not UV mapped and then textured, it was not needed. This was the first model that I have modelled with such detail.

This was the reference image that the model had to be replicated from.

The first part of the model that I started to create was the base, For the most part of the model I made the pieces were separate then I combined the segments together when fully modelled and detailed.

This is the dial piece, I found this piece to be one of the most difficult of the model. Connecting the dial holes to the main dial body was fairly difficult at the start because I wanted to get the best typology that I could this lead me to create the dial more than once. In the end I finally got the dial to a structure that I was happy with, It could be a little neater but when the model was in object mode it looked correct compared to others. The dial that I created before the polys were stretched slightly giving the dial a messy look.

 (Front grid view)

 (Back grid view)

(Left side grid view)

(Right side grid view)

I'm happy with this model and I believe now that I have a little more experience with modelling in Maya I believe I will be a bit more quicker with modelling in the future. There are some small changes that could be applied to my model, one being scale size to the head set of the piece but other than that I'm happy with the outcome of my model and it's appearance.

Week 17 summary

This week has been fairly busy as I have finished my Vintage telephone, it took me quite a long time to get some parts right but it was tiral and error but I have finally completed a final looking model that I am happy with. On Wednesday I had a 3D session, in the session we were told to play around with our 3D models of our vintage telephone, this was good as it gave me more time to finish the dial. On Thursday we had a session in the forum, One of the tutors gave us a talk on some of his projects that he has done in the past throughout college and his university life and his personal projects that he continues today, it was nice to see some of his work. Also in the same lecture we were given a talk about women in the games industry this was very enjoyable as being a female who would like to become apart of the games industry one day, this gave me an insight of the industry as it is today and how the games industry is still in need of a lot more women employees. On Friday I had a crit session what was worth going to as I got to see where other students are at the moment and got feedback from my tutor that will help me develop in my projects.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Personal work with Maya, Chair model.

I decided that I wanted to do a little personal work, I was undecided on what to model so I took a look around my room and thought I would create a model of my desk chair but design the chair with a sci if theme.

The back of the chair in the 3rd image from the left you can see the topology is disordered.

My chair model in a render shot with lighting.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Week 16 summary

On Monday I was unwell so I did not attend the lecture that was about Baking in Maya, It was a shame that I missed this session as I now feel a little lost on the idea of baking in Maya. I will have to catch up with this. On Wednesday I had a 3D session, which my tutor had shown me how to put a very simple model made in Maya (Cube) that I first had to bake the cube and then placed into Unreal engine 4. (UE4). It was really great to finally play around in a game engine, We were told some basic elements in UE4 one being how to apply a material to the cube. On Thursday we had a guest come into the university to give us a talk about programming, his name was Scott Grandison. He has worked on a few games in the pasts mainly small titles one being a small movie game for 'Magic Mike' on Android. He showed us some basic programming. He then demonstrated some technical parts of the Xbox Kinect camera, which was very fun to watch. Also this week I was having a lot of trouble with my Vintage phone model on the dial part of the phone it took me a long time to finally find a way to make the dial as tidy as I could with it's topology. I am now happy with the outcome.

 (UE4, 3rd person view of all ready made human model and my baked cube with assigned metallic material on both models)

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Life drawing Workshop 4

In this life drawing workshop the session consisted of drawing hands and learning more on perspective, We were told to sit down as a class with the tutor which he went through the differences of prospective. Below are the sketches of the hands that I draw, We had different time intervals to finish each drawing. Some gestures were harder than others, but overall it was an interesting session and I was quite please with some of my hand drawings, especially the fist gesture sketch.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Week 15 summary

This week I have been continuing with my vintage phone model which I have been enjoying, I still need to add the phone cord and dial and a few more details but it is coming on nicely which I am happy about. On Thursday afternoon I had a contextual studies lecture but we had a guest come into the university called Steven Huckle who is a games developer he gave us an insight of his work and time working in the games industry. The talk was very insightful. Some of the projects that he has worked on are, Tomb raider, The sims 3 and Transformers universe just being some, he has worked on many other titles which is a big accomplishment. He has a website that he himself has set up called this helps people set up their own development studio for making their own playable games. It was a very enjoyable lecture which gave me a lot of interesting information. Also for the group presentation that is going to be happening in the next few weeks I have met up with my group and we have started to put some points and research across to each other so we have more of an understanding of what it is we are going to focus our presentation on. Friday I had a Photoshop tutorial on how to do masking in Photoshop, this was all new to me. We had to produce our own photo piece at the end of the lesson with what we have been taught.

(My Photoshop piece)

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Week 14 summary

This week I returned to university from having the Christmas term. This week it has been fairly busy, it was good to get back into it again. I had a 3d session where we were introduced to our new task which is to model a vintage telephone in Maya. Our tutor showed us how to create a certain part of the vintage telephone, the dials. This will be exciting as I have came to enjoy 3d modelling and using Maya to create these models. So far the model is still in early development but I look forward to finalize this model in the next few weeks. Also we had contextual studies, we haven't had a lecture in a few weeks. The lecture was about the games industry and the roles inside the industry, for example Concept artist is one role in the industry. We were told to form groups of 2/3 people and to research two games companies of our choice each and the roles within them companies, and later to present a presentation.