This was the reference image that the model had to be replicated from.
The first part of the model that I started to create was the base, For the most part of the model I made the pieces were separate then I combined the segments together when fully modelled and detailed.
This is the dial piece, I found this piece to be one of the most difficult of the model. Connecting the dial holes to the main dial body was fairly difficult at the start because I wanted to get the best typology that I could this lead me to create the dial more than once. In the end I finally got the dial to a structure that I was happy with, It could be a little neater but when the model was in object mode it looked correct compared to others. The dial that I created before the polys were stretched slightly giving the dial a messy look.
(Front grid view)
(Back grid view)
(Left side grid view)
(Right side grid view)
I'm happy with this model and I believe now that I have a little more experience with modelling in Maya I believe I will be a bit more quicker with modelling in the future. There are some small changes that could be applied to my model, one being scale size to the head set of the piece but other than that I'm happy with the outcome of my model and it's appearance.