Sunday 20 March 2016

Week 24 summary

This week I have finally finished my pillar, it didn't come out as I hoped but I did like how the detail has kept well, and overall happy that I can now focus on my time machine project as I haven't done much for it yet, but wish to get the model side completed in the Easter break. We had a live workshop lecture earlier this week. On Thursday we had a contextual studies lecture about phenomenology and thinking through our senses. These lectures in the last few weeks have been very interesting even though somethings I don't understand fully I still like to learn new things and these lectures have opened up my mind on how I will now see games and there meanings. I have been thinking a lot more of the essay that needs to be completed, with the two week break I feel this will be a good time to sit down and start especially the research and my solid idea, which I do kind of have now.

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