Sunday 6 March 2016

Week 22 summary

On Monday I we had a live workshop lecture where our tutor was going through some tips with Maya and Z brush. I do enjoy this way of learning, as we have more of a chance of asking questions and it also recaps on somethings that have been mentioned before but may feel less confident with. On Thursday we had contextual studies which was a interesting topic, I did enjoy it. The lecture was about gender and intersectionality. Our tutor spoke about a video game that I very much enjoyed playing called "Life is strange". I never really thought of analysing the game in this manner, it has given me an idea for a possible essay idea or using this as my game choice. Also in the week I have had a problem with my Pillar. When I was using the quad draw tool I made an error somewhere along the way and it caused the new polys to spiral. I did try to fix this problem but I found it quite difficult to get my head around so I decided I would start using the quad draw tool again around my mesh from the beginning. It did work out in the end and I did manage to complete the quad draw in one night. It did set me back a day but I did learn from my mistake. 

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