Tuesday 8 November 2016

Contextual Studies, Games as toys, task.

How would you make your indie game design open-ended?

I could make my game have more levels or end the game on a cliff hanger, maybe the search for the missing woman in my game could not been found so the game will continue until you find her by using more levels added clues etc...

Think of a way of incorporating a physical object into your game design – could AR or NFC allow for meaningful interaction?

I believe AR would work well with my game. In my game you are a detective who needs to find the pieces of evidence in the suspect home and find the missing woman, AR would work with this as the evidence you collect could hold a QA code and when you use your phone camera and put it to the QA code it will show the evidence you have collect, you would then be able to look more in depth with that piece of evidence look for clues,prints for example.


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