Sunday 6 November 2016

Weekly Summary

This week we first started with a recap lecture then after that we looked at 'Flow' in games. This means how a player can stay focused on the game play at hand, if a player isn't interested on the task in the game they will not continue to play it. A player needs to be engrossed in a game for it to be successful.

In my Z brush session this week we had another go at creating the goblet,urn like objects. I had a problem with mine as the program was crashing a few times while trying to do this so I continued with my own project of mine the Troll head. In the session I was able to create a rough body for my Troll using the Z sphere tool.

Later in the week we had a Contextual studies session in which we were presented with a lecture on Performing worlds: Games as toys. We looked at games as objects for example in the lecture we looked at how video games company's such as Nintendo are using toy like models of game characters called "Amiibo" thus making something physical then seeing that in a virtual world, with this you can then play as that chosen character in the game. The next day we also spoke about the contextual studies lecture in my group in our seminar. The same day we also had a anatomy session which we looked at the abdomen and the chest area, this was a very interesting session as it will help with my Z brush model (The Troll) it has given me some tips on how I could correctly create the top half of the body, I will give this ago in my next Z brush session.

Later in the week in my UE4 session we looked at how to create checkpoints and a title start screen in which you have a background with 3 buttons: Start, Controls and Exit buttons. This will be very handy for my game project as I will be planning on putting a start menu within my game that can show controls on the menu and start play and exit my game.

Game progress

This as been another busy week with my game but I am glad as I believe I am on track. This week with my game I have added a title screen with added control window so the player will know the keys, also added to the title screen is a play button and exit button. I learnt how to add this to my game through a UE4 session this week. I have one problem with the title screen I notice I have to double click the buttons to play or exit the game, I do not understand why this happens but it doesn't seem to be to much of a problem. Also this week with my game I have nearly finished the layout of the rooms with assets and decor so the rooms are looking a lot more interact able. I have added a end game screen, when you get to the end of the game the game will end with a ending screen shot. I have added a door open and close system, I did have some trouble with some doors not opening so I did give it ago to fix it but some doors still didn't open. I decided to add one door to open and close and the others are fixed opened unfortunately.  I am also starting to build a spawn key system too so you can open locked doors. I have had problems with the key not spawning when collecting all the collectable objects so I will have another go at this but if it does not work I will have to find another way to spawn keys, I'm sure I will find a way.

This is a area of my game were you can see a interacting object that you can inspect and another object in this game that you can collect as evidence.

This image shows a scene in my game where I have added photographs of "Evelyn" this is a important location. Also here you can see a yellow note on the wall, if you get closer to the note (That seems to glow) the player will see text that they can read, it is similar to the other note in this game but you can not pick this note up but it gives the player a better understanding of the characters and story.

This is a image of the title screen of my game, it shows here movement keys, the interaction keys, title and buttons. The drawing in the middle is the inspector that you play as called "Logan" and this is the scene of the game where you find the photographs of "Evelyn".

 These two images above show the blueprints for the main title screen.

 This is the title screen main image that I drew.

 The above two images of the door show it opened and closed. Also some of the doors have sound effects to them (locked and open).

 The three images above show the open door blueprints by pressing the "C" key.

 This is the end game title screen.

This image shows the end game title screen blueprints.

This image shows the end of game trigger box, when the player walks into this green box you will be greeted with the end game title screen and the game will then end.

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