Thursday 5 November 2015

Character sheet, King

This is my character sheet for my chosen character the king. I wanted to do the character in different poses that show his personality. I wanted to give my character a personality that is snobby, lazy, selfish, proud and rude. I think a few of these actions show this. The actions range from him walking, which he seems to be quite lazy, another is him sitting down, one being him with his legs crossed hand on chin, this action seems that he is a rude if not bored person. There is also a action where he is standing very proud of himself, this show that he is confident or even big headed.

This is a expression sheet, I wanted to do a expression sheet because I wanted my character to have charisma. Here you can get a sense of what the character is like in his nature. In all there are 6 different types of expressions here:
1. Bored/normal face
3. Scared (Of the dogs)
4. Angry

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