Thursday 12 November 2015

My final Evaluation: BA1a Concept Art

During this concept art project I think overall I have completed a good amount of work. I believe I have a fair few designs that lead to my final pieces within each task, them being task 1 (Insect) task 2 (Timepiece) and final task 3, (character). At the start of this project, that is insect project, I think this was the project that I enjoyed the most, it was different, I have not much in the past produced something like a hybrid insect before, it was exciting and new. Saying that I think the insect project was the task that I did not produce as many ideas for. I tend to jump straight in to one design if that is what I like. When I look back at this I would of branched out and done different type of designs for a insect instead of having one idea that I wanted to do. A beetle form is what my final design was. I will in the future do a lot more designs into different shapes and forms. Overall for the insect project I am happy with the final design and believe that some stronger drawings were produced in this project than the other two tasks.

When it came to the timepiece project I did struggle trying to form an idea I did a few silhouettes and nothing stood out for me, I did more research and continued with more silhouettes, this made me a little behind in the project. In the end I had a idea that I liked and thought I could make many ideas from, in which I did. I had many design ideas for my timepiece project when I felt I was happy with the idea of a staff weapon that can stop time. I wanted to do more than a staff so I decided to do a mage character with the staff, I enjoyed doing this, it gave me a deeper meaning to my idea. The timepiece project was the project that I think I produced the most work. I was surprise that I felt I wanted to keep going with the project, so I added another final piece with the project and that was a photo bashing piece, I had never done a piece of work like that before and thought it would go well with my staff design, I created a first person piece, it worked well for a first attempt.

A struggle that I did have throughout this concept project is the lack of knowledge that I had of Photoshop, I have only ever used it as a photo editing tool in college before, I will continue to try and learn Photoshop as I know it is used in the games industry and I would really like to improve using this programme. My time keeping and motivation during this project has been well kept. During the timepiece project I did have a little problem with inspiration but as soon as I had a idea I just keep on working with that idea.

The 3rd project that was the character task, I was disappointed in myself with the final piece. I wanted to try and make the character more realistic. I did do experimental work with painting in Photoshop and in painter. My style kept coming through in my work, I will continue to experiment with realistic painting techniques.

Overall I am pleased with the amount of ideas that I have produced. Some stronger than others. I have learnt a lot in this project from painting techniques, learning Photoshop and using silhouettes to create basic shapes for ideas, I had never done that before. This project has made me realise how much work is involved in concept art and how ideas and drawings becoming that character you play in a game, it is exciting.

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