Sunday 8 November 2015

Final piece, Character project

This is my final piece for the character project. I like the final design of my king character and how he shows his snobby and proud personality through this piece, the pose is a good representation of this, I am happy I went for this pose. I have added a golden cane that the character is holding, I thought this would give it a little bit of a touch as it shows his wealth and power through his processions. The background is dark in colour with a curtain that is draped across, I did not want to go for to much detail for the background as I wanted the character to stand out the most. The dark colours represent his penurious nature. I am disappointed in this piece, I don't think it is as strong as I wanted it to be. I did try to make the style of the piece in a  realistic approach, that being similar to a real classic portrait painting. I guess because I already have a style that I am comfortable working with ,it has made it harder to branch out and try different forms, this is a habit I would like to break  so I can be more confident in trying new ways of creating art styles.  I suppose I worried a little that I would be too long on this piece and not finish in time. Overall I am glad that I gave it ago and will continue my efforts throughout this course to do better in learning new techniques.

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