Sunday 8 November 2015

Week 7 summary

This week I have been really busy with the character project. It took me a little time to come to a final design for my king character, but I am happy with the way the character looks in his design in his  detail of clothing choice, hairstyle and face. Earlier this week I created the model sheet, through this it made me make up my mind on a final design for my character, as I had many designs but nothing was set in stone. After I got the model sheet done I felt more comfortable with the next stages, the character sheet and final piece. Through the character sheet I had a better understanding of what I wanted my character to be like or act as if he was a real person.  I haven't really had many lectures this week (one being cancelled) it gave me time to sit down in my own personal space and just work for hours on my tasks, I feel I get more done in my own environment  sometimes, maybe that is because it is less distracting. I did go to a crit group meeting with other game art students this week it was with students that are in different years and doing other projects. It was good to see how some of the students from the other year groups have improved  in their work, it makes me want to become a better artist.

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