Monday, 31 October 2016

Contextual Studies, Theme Parks.

How would you make a modern theme park sim or management game? Blue sky: an endless runner, or maybe a post-apocalyptic strategy game?

The aim of my game would be to restore a broken down Theme-park. It would be a strategy game where you will need to start from the bottom with very little cash, you will need to hire workers to maybe scrap the broken rides for money or even repair them, but in doing so some of the rides will have a skill level that the worker will need to complete this task and in doing so can cost more money. You will need to think logically. The more the theme park is built up, the more customer will come making you more money so you can build a successful park.

Controversial theme parks: what can’t theme parks do?

Theme parks all have there own themes, example of this is a Disney land theme park we know that at these theme park they all show the same characters, mostly the same rides as all the others and even merchandise. If a theme park like Disney has to be kept the same, which it does need to stick with it's theme it will not be able to change in any aspect. It can never go off track for example it would never be able to take another company mascot such as Sonic or Mario in it's park, if it was to do so this will cause controversy within both companies and others and would result in breaking the law. Overall if a park is themed and there is more than one of them, it needs to stay constant within all of them wherever they are in the world.


Sunday, 30 October 2016

Weekly Summary

This week our first lecture was on Story, Plot and Narrative. In this lecture we looked at the types of narrative structures which are : Linear, Closed, Open and Circular. 

We also had Z brush session this week, but we focused on assets more than an character study. We were shown and had to follow how to create an Grail/ pot or urn. I had trouble with my model at first which lead me to miss some steps creating the asset. I caught up enough to finish the model but I feel it could be more detailed. The vines created for this model was using the Z sphere tool.

In contextual studies this week, we had an academic lecture on how to structure essays and how to question, answer and reflect as well as other useful tips. This was very helpful.

On Friday we had a UE4 lecture where we were taught how to create blueprints for interacting with AI such as characters, and how that character can walk to certain target points and using text within the game.

Game progress
This week I have mainly built up the game making it look nicer and decorated, I also added my own piece of art work and asset that I created last year (Telephone) to my game. I have added one mechanic this week which lets the player read a note in game. The reason for adding the note is to give the player a better understanding of what has happen in this story telling game. Because my game is a story driven game with more exploring aspect than a game that has a challenge to complete or a boss to fight. The mechanic to read the note in the game I believe is a important part of my game as it does give the game more of a purpose and understanding of finding out what really happen to the missing woman "Evelyn". 

  These two screenshot show the note that the player can read in my game by pressing the "T" key.

This is a the read note blueprint.

This is just rough sketch of what one of the rooms will look like. 

My own painting that I created a few years ago when I was studying in college, I thought it would be nice to place it as a piece of decorative artwork within my game.

Here is my piece of art placed into my game. 

This is the telephone model that I created last year, I though it would be a nice touch to my game as it links well with the interior theme.

The telephone in game, I added a rough basic texture to it to match the scene.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Week summary

This week we had a lecture on Production, MVP and playtesting. We looked at how game developers can release their game for the public to play test their game so they can receive feedback on what should be improved before release. Some of the methods of production are Agile/Scrum, Waterfall and Lean.

In Z brush this week we practiced more character studies. We were also shown how to create a body for a character using Z spheres. In the lecture I created a character head of a Troll. I am quite happy with this so far I will continue this study and add a body with what I have learnt so far.

Later in the week we had a contextual studies lecture that was based on Theme Parks, We also looked at how video game co assist with their storytelling within the environment, a good example of this is the latest dlc for Fallout 4, 'Nuka cola world'.

 I had my group seminar this week, we spoke about how narrative shows within video games. We spoke about some game examples such as The Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and others that have narrative elements, although most games do. We also went through each others games ideas and how some things could be improved. Later in the week we also had a anatomy lecture looking at the knee joint and how the leg muscles and bones are connected and held together.

Later in the week we had UE4 session, we looked at how to blueprint the mechanics of how to shoot from a weapon and using jump pads within game play.With this we looked at how the jump pad can change the player to jump to a certain height or location. It was great to learn these mechanics but I will not be needing to place these in my game. At the end of the session my lecturer was able to look over the groups games and to help if need be and to show what we had done so far. So far I seem to be on track.

Game progress 

This week for my game I have been busy. I have started to make my game look visually pleasing now, so my game looks more like a game which I'm happy with. I did want to finish getting all my mechanics added before I started to build the rooms but I found that building the rooms will take sometime so I decided this week to start as well as getting most of the main mechanics done. Surprisingly I did managed to get the basic rooms done this week as well as adding textures such as wallpaper looking textures and flooring textures for my scenes as well as added windows and ceilings and outside areas. When the player looks outs from the window it gives the player an illusion that there is a outside space. I also started to add some assets to my game, these being objects that are decorating the rooms, I did this to make the environments look more pleasing. I also finished the Pick up mechanic which let the player collect the collectable items (Evidence) that gets placed into the inventory. There are 8 pieces altogether which are now textured and placed within my game. And the inspecting objects are now being placed.  I will add more later on in the weeks.   

  Above screenshots 1 and 2 show the pick up blueprint for one of my collectable objects.

 "E" key to collect blueprint.

 These are the 8 pieces of evidence (Objects) that you collect in game.

These are the thumbnail images of the objects that you collect in game, these will show in the inventory.

In this image you can see the object which can be collected and text showing that you can collect this by pressing the "E" key. I have noticed that during game play the text does show but very quickly or it only shows when you walk up to the object at a certain angle. I have tried to sort this issue out but I am not having much luck. I guess this issue does give the game more of a challenge though as the player will have to think about what objects can be collect it will give longer game play also.

This image show the object in the inventory displaying the thumbnail image.

This image shows some of the objects within the game that can be inspected when pressing the "F" key.

This is a bird eye view of my game so far this week.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Contextual Studies, Cards and Board Games, Task.

Can you think of a video game you could emulate in cards, how would you go about it?

 Ni No Kuni

Ni No Kuni video game as a card game could emulate similar to Pokemon cards, you can collect and play. Some cards will be rare and others will be common through the creatures you encounter. Because Ni No Kuni in the video games has creatures that you can catch, train and bring with you on your travels they then have the power evolve into stronger beings.  This could work well into cards being able to evolve your creature which will give you a boost while in play, and you could also include cards such as potions and spells that will help you to destroy the other opponents set of creatures.

If you wanted to make a narrative or expressive game, how could you use elements of card games to tell the story?

On the cards with the characters/ creature that you have collected you could have blurbs that have a description about the character/creature and it's story. Pokemon does this and other cards games such as Magic the Gathering.

We’ve seen card games meet a lot of Callois’ criteria for games – Agon, Alea and even Mimesis – but what would an Ilinx card game look like?

(Ilinx is of perception, as with vertigo, dizziness, or disorienting changes in direction of movement.)

Within a game a example would to be in using a Xbox kinect or wii controllers. You could use this method in my idea of the Ni No Kuni card game, or even with the technology such as AR. It would work as having the physical cards and them cards being displayed on a smartphone screen, with the use of QA codes that are printed on the cards, with that the creature on the card can come to life on the screen in front of you. You would then battle your opponent by using the smartphone in some sort of motion to attack, cast spell etc...

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Weekly summary

This week we had a lecture on meaning and mechanics within a video game. An example of a title that we looked closely at was the AAA title 'Spec Ops'. Spec Ops takes the usual shooter in a different direction, Spec Ops allows the player to make a choice instead of the direct approach of shooting a person without a reaction giving this game a strong narrative aspect as well as working well with it's game play.

The Z brush workshop this week was different than last weeks, we did not do any character design study this week. The aim for this session was environmental only. We had to create rocks, also create a plane that was imported from Maya to Z brush and from the plane we had to make an brick object that could be place on the plane to create a brick wall structure.

Wednesday we had a lecture on Board games, this session was interesting. We were shown a few different games from the slide and how board games are becoming a very popular aspect within some game society's. This week also included a guest lecturer 'Charles Reeve' which in the past he has worked for the 'Call of duty' franchise working a UX designer, he has worked many roles in his career.

Also during the week we had a anatomy lecture which focused on the hip joints and the muscles in and around that area of the body, these lectures have been good to learn from for my drawing skills. Also during the week we had group tutorials about the essay and what the essay could be about this was very helpful. Later in the week we had a session on UE4 which we were taught how to add UI, health bars our games, these mechanics through blueprints will be really helpful to create a more fulfilling game.

Below are some blueprints that I had done during the lecture.

(This one I did not complete, This was to show text within the game play)

Game progress

In the last week or two I have been continuing with my game. I have changed my mind with the location of were my game will be set, at first it was going to be in a warehouse scene but I found that this will be quite limiting as it would of been just one big space and seem a little dull, so I have decided to go with a house scene instead which will be the suspects home. I believe I can do a lot more with a house location. I was hoping that I could download a house scene online as that would of saved me sometime but after downloading some sets I realised this would take much longer than making my own in UE4, as the sets that I downloaded online come in pieces that you have to put together, so making my own house (Rooms) will save time and that means I can put my own touches to the scenes. This week with my game I have decided to work more on the mechanical side of my game instead of making my game look visual as this week I have spend too much wasted time trying to find a decent house scene online so it is best to my own.

This is one of the mechanics that I have added in my game this week. This is a inventory system, it is fairly basic but it does what it is intended. The player can bring the inventory up at anytime in game play by pressing the "V" key on the keyboard. I aim to add assets that the player must find in the home which then gets added to the inventory. 8 pieces to find altogether.

 Above are screenshots of the inventory blueprint system.

Also this week for my game I added base cone  object that can be pick up but not collected, instead you can pick up the object and inspect it by pressing the "F" key on the keyboard and using the mouse to rotate the object then you can place it back down pressing "F" again. I added this to give the game a little bit more of a challenge as not all the objects in the house will be collectable as evidence. For now I only have the master item of this, now this means I can now make other objects from this one but copying it.

Monday, 10 October 2016

ZBrush skill development

Here are some Z brush practices that I have done, created during the week. All are unfinished at the moment but I wanted to do these to practice and increase my skill. I hope to become better at Z brush in the near future, I plan to continue creating models weekly for my own skill development.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Contextual Studies Task, Mazes.

Think of ten video games which involve mazes (in any capacity: level design, mechanics, narrative etc.). Sort them into multicursal and unicursal.

The games below will show the Multicursal and Unicursal elements of the games that I have chosen.

5 Multicursal games

 1. Dragon age inquisition

A multicursal feature in the game Dragon age inquisition are the in game maps that you can see while going through the user interface, the war table in the game also has a map of the in game world  (Thedas), you can select the places you would like to visit here also you can complete operations here by sending off forces and advisors to unlock other locations, rewards etc...

 Games Maps, (2014), The Exalted Plains Map [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

2. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 has a few multicursal elements, such as the world map that you can assess through the user interface which in turn can lead you to many places and hidden areas and side quests, the dialogue within the game it another. The further you progress within the game through it's main story quests the more actions you have through the dialogue of the game, leading to your final outcome based on your decisions. Each main choice you make can lead to a different ending each time. 

US Gamer, (2016), Lady of the lake Witcher [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

3. Fallout 4

In Fallout 4 you have dialogue throughout the whole game from the main story to side quests. The game can lead you away from the main quest and you are free to complete many of the side quests available through the base game and add ons for the game if you decide to buy. Within the dialogue for the main story you have choices that will effect the main ending outcome.

VG247 Shabana Arif, (2016), Fallout 4 Vault Tec guy [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

4. Life is strange

Life is Strange doesn't have many routes that you can take physically the game only allows you to wander slightly but there is only one set path, but the choices in the game have very many multicursal elements. from decisions making to physical actions all leading to the final outcome.  

WFGS, (2015), Life is strange Photography [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

5. Monster Hunter

This is a game where you do follow at story line, but within the story line there are side quests that you can take. The maps within the game have hidden areas but can only access them through having the right skills. Multiplayer options is also available that does not relate to the main story.

 Monster Hunter, Capcom, (2015), monster hunter generations gameplay [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

 5 Unicursal games

1. Tekken Tag tournament 2 
In this game there is only one set path and that is to win. The story of most Tekken games you have stages that you need to complete that get gradually harder on each stage you win. When you get to the final stage and succeed you will be greeted with the characters story (video) and other rewards.

Nintendo Today, (2011), Tekken tag tournament 2 [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

 2. Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation 1) 

This game has one path only when playing, you will need to get through some obstacles before you can reach the exit of each level. A good example of this is the Boulder dash level where you will need to get from one side of the level to the exit while a bolder is chasing you that has the chance to crush you so you will need to restart the level again.

WFT gamers Only, (2014), Crash Bandicoot boulders [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

3. Zoo Tycoon (Xbox one)

In this game the aim is to build the best zoo that you can and hire workers to maintain the zoo and the animals that you buy. The one path here is to be successful and to keep it up.  

Gamer rate games, (2014), Zoo Tycoon Xbox One [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

4. Rayman (PlayStation 1)

Rayman is a side stroller game in which you have to past and succeed through some challenges to past through to the exit. If you run out of lives you will need to start again from the very beginning. 

 Ubisoft, (2012), rayman ps1 [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

5. Mario bros 

This is a game with one set path, get to the exit to win and go through to the next levels that will get harder with more obstacles along the way. If you was to play with another player that player will play as the another character called 'Luigi', while you play as 'Mario'.

 Nintendo , (2015), super mario bros apk [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

If you wanted to make a narrative or expressive game, how could you use kinds of maze to tell the story?

Sketch out an idea for a unique take on a maze-based game in a single paragraph
The smell of damp air, you feel pain throughout your body. What happened? you only see darkness, you are scared, cold, but you get up slowly thanking you have no broken bones. You look up and can see the starry sky, feeling some hope of escape. You must of fell. You need light and remember your phone in your pocket you hope it's not broken from the fall, luck is in, it is fine but no signal. You switch the torch on your phone and start to look for an exit.