Saturday 22 October 2016

Week summary

This week we had a lecture on Production, MVP and playtesting. We looked at how game developers can release their game for the public to play test their game so they can receive feedback on what should be improved before release. Some of the methods of production are Agile/Scrum, Waterfall and Lean.

In Z brush this week we practiced more character studies. We were also shown how to create a body for a character using Z spheres. In the lecture I created a character head of a Troll. I am quite happy with this so far I will continue this study and add a body with what I have learnt so far.

Later in the week we had a contextual studies lecture that was based on Theme Parks, We also looked at how video game co assist with their storytelling within the environment, a good example of this is the latest dlc for Fallout 4, 'Nuka cola world'.

 I had my group seminar this week, we spoke about how narrative shows within video games. We spoke about some game examples such as The Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and others that have narrative elements, although most games do. We also went through each others games ideas and how some things could be improved. Later in the week we also had a anatomy lecture looking at the knee joint and how the leg muscles and bones are connected and held together.

Later in the week we had UE4 session, we looked at how to blueprint the mechanics of how to shoot from a weapon and using jump pads within game play.With this we looked at how the jump pad can change the player to jump to a certain height or location. It was great to learn these mechanics but I will not be needing to place these in my game. At the end of the session my lecturer was able to look over the groups games and to help if need be and to show what we had done so far. So far I seem to be on track.

Game progress 

This week for my game I have been busy. I have started to make my game look visually pleasing now, so my game looks more like a game which I'm happy with. I did want to finish getting all my mechanics added before I started to build the rooms but I found that building the rooms will take sometime so I decided this week to start as well as getting most of the main mechanics done. Surprisingly I did managed to get the basic rooms done this week as well as adding textures such as wallpaper looking textures and flooring textures for my scenes as well as added windows and ceilings and outside areas. When the player looks outs from the window it gives the player an illusion that there is a outside space. I also started to add some assets to my game, these being objects that are decorating the rooms, I did this to make the environments look more pleasing. I also finished the Pick up mechanic which let the player collect the collectable items (Evidence) that gets placed into the inventory. There are 8 pieces altogether which are now textured and placed within my game. And the inspecting objects are now being placed.  I will add more later on in the weeks.   

  Above screenshots 1 and 2 show the pick up blueprint for one of my collectable objects.

 "E" key to collect blueprint.

 These are the 8 pieces of evidence (Objects) that you collect in game.

These are the thumbnail images of the objects that you collect in game, these will show in the inventory.

In this image you can see the object which can be collected and text showing that you can collect this by pressing the "E" key. I have noticed that during game play the text does show but very quickly or it only shows when you walk up to the object at a certain angle. I have tried to sort this issue out but I am not having much luck. I guess this issue does give the game more of a challenge though as the player will have to think about what objects can be collect it will give longer game play also.

This image show the object in the inventory displaying the thumbnail image.

This image shows some of the objects within the game that can be inspected when pressing the "F" key.

This is a bird eye view of my game so far this week.

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