Sunday 30 October 2016

Weekly Summary

This week our first lecture was on Story, Plot and Narrative. In this lecture we looked at the types of narrative structures which are : Linear, Closed, Open and Circular. 

We also had Z brush session this week, but we focused on assets more than an character study. We were shown and had to follow how to create an Grail/ pot or urn. I had trouble with my model at first which lead me to miss some steps creating the asset. I caught up enough to finish the model but I feel it could be more detailed. The vines created for this model was using the Z sphere tool.

In contextual studies this week, we had an academic lecture on how to structure essays and how to question, answer and reflect as well as other useful tips. This was very helpful.

On Friday we had a UE4 lecture where we were taught how to create blueprints for interacting with AI such as characters, and how that character can walk to certain target points and using text within the game.

Game progress
This week I have mainly built up the game making it look nicer and decorated, I also added my own piece of art work and asset that I created last year (Telephone) to my game. I have added one mechanic this week which lets the player read a note in game. The reason for adding the note is to give the player a better understanding of what has happen in this story telling game. Because my game is a story driven game with more exploring aspect than a game that has a challenge to complete or a boss to fight. The mechanic to read the note in the game I believe is a important part of my game as it does give the game more of a purpose and understanding of finding out what really happen to the missing woman "Evelyn". 

  These two screenshot show the note that the player can read in my game by pressing the "T" key.

This is a the read note blueprint.

This is just rough sketch of what one of the rooms will look like. 

My own painting that I created a few years ago when I was studying in college, I thought it would be nice to place it as a piece of decorative artwork within my game.

Here is my piece of art placed into my game. 

This is the telephone model that I created last year, I though it would be a nice touch to my game as it links well with the interior theme.

The telephone in game, I added a rough basic texture to it to match the scene.

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