Sunday 2 October 2016

Week summary

This is my first week back to university. Now starting year 2 of my course, our first brief for this term is to make our own game. Our game has a theme, which is "Inference". Included in the brief is a 5 minute prototype of my game as well as a 2 page long Sell sheet that will show my game idea. I have started to think of some ideas for my game and decided to do this by using the brainstorm method, by doing this I believe I have two solid game ideas. My first idea is that you play as a dolphin that is lost. The concept of the game is that the dolphin has to find it's way back to it's group using a echo radar. The game would be first person mode. My second idea is also a first person game were you play as a detective that has gone to a crime scene set inside a warehouse. The aim of the game is to find all the evidence so you can solve the case. Both of the ideas at this stage are still needing more structure but at the moment these are the two stronger ideas that I have.

Also this week we had our first contextual studies lecture. In this lecture we looked into virtual worlds and how the player can be consumed by these worlds. On Friday we were given a task in our lecture, we had to pick two random pieces of paper with random sentences that will make a title of a game, from this we had to think of a game idea and pitch it to the class. My two were:

Leg cramp Olympics

This is a comedy game were you play as a sportsman that starts in a pool that makes him/her get cramp, so the aim of the game is that you need to win the race while you have cramp. As the player you will have to tap as fast as you can on your phone screen to make your character keep up and win. The game will be on mobile only.

Toast apocalypse: Jam- nado

First person game were you as the player play as the toast that has survived a disaster in the kitchen. The aim of the game it to make sure you make it to the save place which is the kitchen cupboard. while doing so jam will rain down on you that you will need to dodge and tornadoes of jam will also try and block your way.

I liked doing this task in class as it made me not think to hard into a idea, start from basic and still be able to produce something that I could work on and build.

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