Monday 3 October 2016

10 game ideas

In my lecture this Friday we were given a task to do at home, I had to pick words at random and pitch a game idea. (10 needed) Below are my game ideas and their titles.

1. The original fluid thing

A game where water is used to make musical tones, the water has different colours. The game focuses on relaxing you using different musical tones and colours.

2. The art of the solar system

You play as a space craft that fly's to different planets collecting things from the planets that you visit, the collections are rocks etc... the rocks are different colours. The items that you have collected create a piece of art work that you can create yourself.

3. The absent of helmets

This will be a game were you play as a solider who has to make his way fighting through a battle without a helmet and needing to surviving the battle. At the end of the level (the battle) you need to gather the hidden helmet as your reward.

4. Crystal banana whale

The game starts as you playing as a whale swimming through a cave, this is a Crystal cave, the whale will have to collect crystals within the cave. The whale is a banana created by a child's imagination, (yellow whale) collect as many crystals to win the game within the time limit

5. Eagle picnic

You play as a eagle that is in the search for food. You fly over a picnic park, the aim of the game is to collect as many foods from the people picnic tables. You can only collect certain foods that pop up on the screen, the more right foods you collect the more points you earn and the more food you have for the nests. If you collect the foods that you shouldn't the slower you fly and the lower you fly, meaning the bird can crash land to the ground this leads the game being over.

6. Executioner drugstore flutter

You play as a executioner that has entered a drug store and has to destroy as many packets of drugs that you can, the flutter works as a heart beat, it is the store manger heart beat. If it gets to a high level he will call the police. So you must not be caught or seen.

7. Fail ray galactic

You play a s a spacecraft that has to shoot as many space rocks as possible using your ray blaster. The more damage your spacecraft takes the more chance your ray blaster will fail leading to more space rocks coming your way.

8. Limousine air headlock

You play as a limousine driver for a band called "The headlocks" the aim of the game is to get away from as many fans as you can some will run into the road you need to Dodge them. When you drive over a hill in the road this will make the car gain air. If you successfully jump over as many fans as you can while in the air the more points you gain.

9. Unliving erotic actor

You play as a actor that works in the adult industry that is very good looking. One day the actor dies but comes back as a zombie that wants to continues their career. The aim of the game is to become popular again and to make as much money as you can from doing small jobs and gaining more popularity the more you succeed.

10. Martini land kidnapper

You play as a thief who walks into a theme park. The theme park is themed on martinis. The aim of the game is to steal and drink as many martinis as you can within the time limit without being caught.


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