Wednesday 20 April 2016

My final Evaulation: BA1b.


During this project I have learnt a lot throughout the 3D sessions. Some of my 3d models didn't go to plan but I learnt from my mistakes.With the knowledge that I have gained throughout the last few months I will continue to use Maya and the others program's that I have used and will use them in my own time as I hope to progress my 3d skills. I was quite surprise to learn that I would enjoy the 3d tasks that we were given as I had used 3ds max in the past and couldn't figure out 3d at all, maybe this has changed because of the environment I am now in and the good tutoring I have received. I believe I can see an improvement in each task from the lamp to the final project, the time machine. With task one (The lamp) at the time I found it very different and difficult to use Maya to create the lamp but after the first session being shown how to create one I started to use the programme in my own time in which made me more confident. Task 2 was the barrel in which I had to use Photoshop to create a hand painted texture, this was great to learn but I would really enjoy working with realistic looking textures next time. Personally the barrel and lamp are my least liked models from this project, I think this might be because I have improved from then and find the models in themselves a little unadventurous. Task 3 was the vintage telephone, this was the project that I enjoyed making the most, and I find it is one of my stronger pieces and one that I am most proud of because I believe this was the task were I came out my shell a little with 3d modelling. Task 4 was the pillar. I had a few problems with this after the Z brush stage and when I started to UV map and using x normal to bake the model. I found this lowered my confidence in 3d after this task was finally completed, even though I did have problems I have now gain knowledge from these set backs. During the end of task 4 UE4 was used. When I look back I wish I had used UE4 to my advantages and made a scene for my pillar, but I worried I wouldn't have enough time because of the set back that I already had with my pillar. In the future I will use UE4 to gain more knowledge of the engine and it's features.. The last and final task was the time machine. I believe this was the task were I learnt the most from as the whole task included all of the processes that I had learnt in the previous tasks, but with task 5 I had to go through all the stages again and more. The processes that was new to me was the different texture maps that was needed to stylize my model to it's final look. I have never created some of these maps before so this was new to me. The time machine model itself was fairly low in poly count but I wanted to bring out the model through the different maps, I believe I achieved this. In the contextual studies lectures I did learn lot from them and enjoyed the guest appearance lectures, but the presentation did that I and my group had to present brought bring me out of my comfort zone. I believe doing this has helped me with my confidence in speaking in front of others and working in a group. 

Overall with the 3d models I am happy and proud that I can now produce assets in Maya, I would like to grow this skill and become a lot better using Maya and Z brush and will attempt this in my free time. Looking back I wish I had developed more bold models especially which my pillar, but saying that I do believe I have learnt a lot and have for the first time created my own 3d asset. With these new skills I can only get better and build my confidence with 3d.

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