Sunday 25 October 2015

Week 5 summary

This week I have continued with the concept art project that involves creating a character from the Georgian Europe time period. The more work I produce the more I am starting to enjoy the time era.  I started some silhouette's designs for the character earlier this week, the character that I have gone more towards to design is the king. I believe I have produced a fair amount of silhouettes so I think I have got a better understanding of a type of design I would like the king character to have. I also started some rough iterations and some designs on hair styles and face designs for my character. Later in the week I went to a VFX talk, a man who works at the Moving picture company spoke about the company and what it is like to work in the film industry. It was very interesting and it was good to get a insight in what is involved working at a company and industry such as film.

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