Sunday 18 October 2015

Research imagery, timepiece final

These two images are from the video game "Skyrim" I am posting these two images from the game because for one of my final ideas for the timepiece project I want to do my very first photo bashing background piece for one of my final piece ideas. I plan to photo bash the environment piece image and make it my own, then place the fist of the hand from the other image into my photo bashed environment piece. I will then place my final staff design onto the hand. I wanted to experiment with this idea, I wish to create a sense of my own fantasy  first-person image using my staff design as the chosen weapon.


The Play's the thing , (2014), Skyrim game scene [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 18 October 15].
Immersive Games, (2014), Skyrim hands [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 18 October 15].

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